Оман Все доступные места аренды

Оман Все доступные места аренды

Аренда автомобиля Оман

9,27 / 10


На основе 374 отзывов

Средняя оценка всех компаний по прокату автомобилей в этом месте.

"Excellent service. We were treated at the airport and shown the car. Very happy with service provided. Polite and accommodating."
"I got a great upgrade and the car was nearly new. The deposit was returned within a few hours of the car return. Excellent service by the ground personnel."
"Excellent service"
"Thanks Mr. Riyadh for all services and support"
"The customer services amazing especially Mr Mijeeb (I think this is name) and his colleague was amazing thank you"
Аэропорты Города

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