Франция Все доступные места аренды

Франция Все доступные места аренды

Аренда автомобиля Франция

8,89 / 10


На основе 7425 отзывов

Средняя оценка всех компаний по прокату автомобилей в этом месте.

"All good except wipers of the car were not good so it was little hard to drive when raining"
"Best car rental company I’ve experienced from Bergerac Airport!"
"Everything went smooth_ cars were great and pickup was fast!"
"On return we had no English speaking and didn’t know what to do. We were told to put the keys in a box and leave the car but there was no documentation or check. We were told to go online and see our invoice . This is not available yet but there should be no extra charges as we kept within the mileage allowance_ filled it with petrol and returned it with only the damage there when we picked it up."
"Sometimes the car did not lock correctly_ so you‘d have to start the engine again and lock it again"
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