Филиппины Все доступные места аренды

Филиппины Все доступные места аренды

Аренда автомобиля Филиппины

8,22 / 10


На основе 129 отзывов

Средняя оценка всех компаний по прокату автомобилей в этом месте.

"Wanted to drop the car off at the airport as I have done in the past with other companies and In other countries visited . This added to my travel time as I was travelling long haul as I had to leave earlier to go to the main office first then transported in. Nether the less the car was great and staff helpful and friendly"
"trunk opening malfunction"
"The car was 10+ year old although it’s still in good running condition. I thought I have chosen a year or 2 year old car. And it took over an hour to process the paper works."
"The car was great_ no complaints! The staff was friendly_ but they tried to charge an extra 2.000 php. When we compared our bill to the initial order we made via the website_ suddenly they left it out."
Аэропорты Города

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