Оман Все доступные места аренды

Оман Все доступные места аренды

Аренда автомобиля Оман

9,29 / 10


На основе 398 отзывов

Средняя оценка всех компаний по прокату автомобилей в этом месте.

"Tutto questo se mi hanno riaccreditato il deposito di 150 omani royal che hanno prelevato dalla mia carta al ritiro dell_ auto"
"Barring the long wait to get the counter_ everything was perfect . Perhaps_ also a testimony to their high demand !!"
"Ho trovato gentilezza e disponibilità."
"Car had 207000 kilometers on it. Which is fine_ but something one might note in advance."
"Excellent service. We were treated at the airport and shown the car. Very happy with service provided. Polite and accommodating."
Аэропорты Города

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