Minden úti célunk Saint Lucia

Minden úti célunk Saint Lucia

Autóbérlés Saint Lucia

8,60 / 10


26 értékelés alapján

Az összes autókölcsönző átlagos értékelése.

"Your staff were excellent in all areas Thank you"
"When I booked the car I specified drop-off time of 18:30 in time for our flight which was 21:20_ and I dropped the car off at 18:20. The rep told me very grumpily that it should have been returned by 18:00_ appeared to be very annoyed and said I was late."
"You took out the money from my card as deposit not put on hold and it has not been returned yet..please refund asap"
"Only thing a bit newer car would have been nice but at the price It_s not really an issue"
"I was very happy with the staff fully understood that damage not originally noted on paperwork was old. I would appreciate this being confirmed in writing but understand this was not an option."
Repülőterek Városok

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