Minden úti célunk Ausztria

Minden úti célunk Ausztria

Autóbérlés Ausztria

8,75 / 10


1228 értékelés alapján

Az összes autókölcsönző átlagos értékelése.

"Very kind staff_ ready to help and very professional."
"A very good service. The team was nice and polite. The car was very good and reliable."
"I had booked a hybrid SUV_ but got a petrol instead_ non-hybrid."
"it would be better if you can provide exact pickup spot in car park to avoid long searches for car"
"I booked a Peugeot with 5+2 seats so that I would have more room for bags_ and then I could also use the extra seats for comfort_ but what I got was a Suzuki with only five seats_ and the trunk did not fit for my bags."
Repülőterek Városok

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