Tel Aviv airport
Tel Aviv Airport Info
Provided information about airport in Tel Aviv by Economy Car Rentals. Airports in Israel.Our Airport Page will not only help you to get various information but provides you also with hints whether you travel for pleasure or business. It’s always an advantage to plan your trip in advance. Before even leaving home for your trip in Tel Aviv, be sure you have all necessary travel documents with you. Check a map to see more.
Car Rental Tel Aviv Airport
While travelling with a plane you can arrange a car rental through Economy Car Rentals to be waiting for you after your arrival. Find hotels for your accommodation near the airport of Tel Aviv that of your arrival. Find here the weather news in Tel Aviv or all about the events you should certainly not miss during your vacations.
Get a general idea about the car models Fiat 500, Seat Ibiza, Hyundai Accent, Opel Corsa, Suzuki Swift, Peugeot 108, Ford Edge, Suzuki Alto, Suzuki Splash, Hyundai i10 being available for your car rental Tel Aviv. Economy, Mini, Intermediate, SUV 2WD 7 seater is just one of the examples of the categories you can choose with Economy Car Rentals. Visit our Car Fleet section to learn more about all car categories available at Tel Aviv airport for your car rental.
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Tel Aviv airport
Average: 8/10
The carplay is not working in the car
Excelente opcao
עדיין ממשיך עם השכרת הרכב עד ה3 לדצמבר
Whilst I did not get the car I initially opted for_ the overall experience and ease of use was fair.
The car itself needed service was banged up and lacked modernity_ otherwise everything else was fine
all was good_ but the block on my credit card was not removed yet for some reason. Please if it can be removed_ or at least get an explanation was it was not removed.
Cancellation of the deposit was being too long time. Others companies do it in the same day of return the car.
I_ve returned the car one day before and the company didn_t compensated the day fair.
Everything was perfect!
Very Good !