Economy Car Rentals Pointe a Pitre Airport
Pointe a Pitre Airport Info
Provided information about airport in Pointe a Pitre by Economy Car Rentals. Airports in Guadeloupe.Our Airport Page will not only help you to get various information but provides you also with hints whether you travel for pleasure or business. It’s always an advantage to plan your trip in advance. Before even leaving home for your trip in Pointe a Pitre, be sure you have all necessary travel documents with you. Check a map to see more.
Car Rental Pointe a Pitre Airport
While travelling with a plane you can arrange a car rental through Economy Car Rentals to be waiting for you after your arrival. Find hotels for your accommodation near the airport of Pointe a Pitre that of your arrival. Find here the weather news in Pointe a Pitre or all about the events you should certainly not miss during your vacations.
Get a general idea about the car models Citroen C4, Peugeot 207, Fiat Scudo, Jeep Wrangler, Ford Fiesta, Peugeot 407, Peugeot 108, Ford Focus Estate, Hyundai i20, VW Touran being available for your car rental Pointe a Pitre. Intermediate Diesel, Economy, SUV 4WD, Compact is just one of the examples of the categories you can choose with Economy Car Rentals. Visit our Car Fleet section to learn more about all car categories available at Pointe a Pitre airport for your car rental.
Guadeloupe Airports:
Airport details for Abymes - Economy Car Rentals
Economy Car Rentals Pointe a Pitre Airport
Average: 8/10
It would have been helpful to have had someone walk us through the workings of the car_ in english. Most of the staff at this locations didn_t seem very friendly_ and made us feel like unwelome
I am still waiting for deposit return.
You need better details of where to look for the shuttle bus sevice and which operrator would take Flizz clients
Problems with tire pressure in hot climate.
Excellent service from pick up all the way to return. Highly recommended.
Need to make clear drop off instructions. Make it easier and well explained in Point a Pitre_ Guadeloupe..
Lo staff al ritiro del veicolo non parlava inglese ma solo francese. Non è stato semplice comunicare
We had to pay additionaly for the cleaning which I never had in my whole life.
Waited to long for pickup
mijn waarborg staat op mijn rekening nog steeds geblokkeerd terwijl we de auto al enkele dagen hebben ingeleverd en ze daar zeiden dat dit onmiddellijk ongedaan gemaakt zou worden