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Alle vores destinationer i Letland

Biludlejning i Letland

8,27 / 10


Baseret på 156 bedømmelser

Gennemsnitlig vurdering af alle biludlejningsleverandører.

"DÅLIGT: Betala extra för att de tvättar bilen ut- och invändigt."
"Все таки при возврате машины желательно чтобы был представитель компании_ тем более что машину возвратили в обычное рабочее время."
"Very good service👍👍👍"
"Please bear in mind to take a picture of every smallest scratch before getting in the car. In my experience I got blamed for damage the car had already on the time of collecting."
"I understand that the car may be different from the one you chose_ well_ I would like to get the one in the picture from the beginning. But in general_ everything is good and pleasant and fast."
Lufthavne Byer

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