جميع وجهاتنا in مالطا

جميع وجهاتنا in مالطا

تأجير سيارة في مالطا

8٫18 / 10


بناءً على تقييمات 681

متوسط تصنيف جميع موردي تأجير السيارات.

"Extra charges for late working hours (19:30) is 36 € ;-(. Surprising."
"The only bad experience for me was that you are not taking debit cards. I_m traveling a lot and I always use a debit card to rent cars_ and it is the first time that I get charged because I did not have a credit card. This is a bit of a money-making trap"
"The additional price for pay on the pickup location for insurance...always the same..."
"The people checking the car are scammers and tried to charge me €600 for scratched rim when the damage was already there when I collected the car. Do not recommend."
"Problemless in all aspects. I can advise this service whenever you need a car."
المطارات مدن

یمكنك توفیر المال في استئجار سیارة، فما علیك سوى النقر على أي وجھة أدناه والاستفادة من العروض الرائعة المتاحة لك في مالطا