جميع وجهاتنا in النمسا

جميع وجهاتنا in النمسا

تأجير سيارة في النمسا

8٫73 / 10


بناءً على تقييمات 1218

متوسط تصنيف جميع موردي تأجير السيارات.

"Very kind staff_ ready to help and very professional."
"A very good service. The team was nice and polite. The car was very good and reliable."
"I had booked a hybrid SUV_ but got a petrol instead_ non-hybrid."
"it would be better if you can provide exact pickup spot in car park to avoid long searches for car"
"I booked a Peugeot with 5+2 seats so that I would have more room for bags_ and then I could also use the extra seats for comfort_ but what I got was a Suzuki with only five seats_ and the trunk did not fit for my bags."
المطارات مدن

یمكنك توفیر المال في استئجار سیارة، فما علیك سوى النقر على أي وجھة أدناه والاستفادة من العروض الرائعة المتاحة لك في النمسا