جميع وجهاتنا in المملكة المتحدة

جميع وجهاتنا in المملكة المتحدة

تأجير سيارة في المملكة المتحدة

8٫92 / 10


بناءً على تقييمات 7047

متوسط تصنيف جميع موردي تأجير السيارات.

"I actually received a much better quality car than I had picked and Emily the branck manager was extremely helpful and knowledgeable_ excellent service"
"very helpful polite and well mannered would use again for sure_ very soon best regards Steve from Oz"
"Would like to thank the person behind the counter _ his name was Gabriel cos he is the very helpful salesperson. Besides giving us all options for upgrading the rental car and also all insurance options_ he even helped us to carry the luggage to our car"
"The drop off in Manchester airport was poorly sign posted. It took me a long time to figure out where it was"
"Very helpful and will use again in August_ this time there will be 3 cars required and I’m happy to put the business their way!"
المطارات مدن المناطق

یمكنك توفیر المال في استئجار سیارة، فما علیك سوى النقر على أي وجھة أدناه والاستفادة من العروض الرائعة المتاحة لك في المملكة المتحدة
